
Focaccia Group ha progettato e realizzato un PICK UP unico nella sua categoria.
The project for outfitting the vehicle was developed by the Design Division of Focaccia Group. Years of experience and a profound knowledge in converting vehicles into work tools led to a project whose focus was to offer an alternative in the segment of pick-up and LCVs.
The Pick Up outfitted by Focaccia Group is for companies and professionals who need a practical, versatile and economical vehicle: these features make it perfect for agricultural, commercial and small business activities.

Also ideal for leisure activities and individuals, it offers compact dimensions with its 4393 mm overall length and a 400 kg payload.


STEM – Women Congress

Within the Focaccia Group, people represent the Heart, the Strength and the Head. It’s thanks to them that we’ve developed important projects such as the

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